What is it

What is it

Postby makeitone » Wed May 25, 2005 11:41 am

32-bit File Browser is a small application and right-click shell extension that pops up a 32-bit Open Dialog Box

'Why..?' you ask.... Well any people have now installed 64-bit windows and many of the shell extension for applications like Winzip and Winrar are not working - there are no context menus when you right click.

Using the MakeitOne FileBrowser32 you can quickly browse your current location and get those menus back

Use it either in the systray and call on it when you need... or
right click any file or folder from explorer

From FileBrowser32 you can right click and see your long forgotten context menus

get it here
http://www.makeitone.net/downloads/Make ... 2v1.00.exe

Requirements: Well, its wriiten in vb.net.... so please install the DotNet framework from Microsoft
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Joined: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:32 am

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