v2.05 and tagging

Have you tried to edit the tags on your makeitone album and can no longer unpack it?

v2.05 and tagging

Postby DJ » Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:45 am

I have notices that when tagging with an editer like musicmatch or the like that sometimes the file does not want to unpack. I have found that removing the art and sometimes doing a bitrate conversion to the same or smaller bitrate seems to make it work more seamless.

All in all I think it is a great program, I might just have to work with it more to pick up on it's mannerisms but still see it as miles ahead of anything elae that I have seen so far :)
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Postby makeitone » Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:17 am

hi DJ, thanks for the feedback, I'll take a look at Musicmatch and see if there is anything peculiar. I have tested the addition of large artwork, although there could be some cases where I'm not following the ID3 tag standard closely enough.

I am assuming that tags from Musicmatch can still be edited ok in other applications such as Winamp.

I'll post back my findings when I have them.

thanks again.
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Postby DJ » Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:10 pm

I have tried v2.06b and it seems that issues I was having before as to not being able to extract are gone but teh reported bitrates are still a little funny.

All in all I think you have done a fantastic job on this and I am glad to provide any info I can to help it along. I have pretty much stopped using other programs and use 2.06b now exclusively.

I'll keep looking for things and if there is anything I can do to help please feel free to let me know :D
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